COVID-19 Update 3/13

Dear Grace Church,

We have decided to change our worship service this Sunday to digital and online only. This is due to the escalating concerns around coronavirus. I realize this may seem like an "about face" from our previous email just 24 hours ago, so maybe further explanation would be beneficial. The previous email stated our answer to the Governor's petition to cancel services as, "at this point our answer to the this petition is 'no' because we believe there is great importance for God's saints gathering to worship, especially in times of crisis or trial." You'll notice the words "at this point" in the quote from yesterday's email. We believe we're at a different point today than where we were yesterday. Today we have a different understanding of the crisis, a difference in the counsel we are receiving from other church leaders and experts in pertinent fields, and different biblical principles we think are weighing as more necessary "at this point." In wisdom decisions you are often times weighing Biblical principles that are in tension. Some principles in tension during this time have been; honoring authorities vs. the importance of corporate worship, faith vs. wisdom, needs of people outside of our church vs. needs inside our church, and safety/stewardship vs. fellowship. We believe that the decision of adjusting our worship service at this time will aid in the prevention of the virus spreading for the time being. We believe this in an appropriate act of love for the broader community. As previously mentioned, our application of Biblical Sabbath worship and corporate gathering for this week will be digital. A service will be executed by the pastors and worship team that will either be posted as a recording or streamed live. Either option will occur at our normal worship hour of 10:30 Sunday. We will be emailing out further instructions throughout the weekend. The Worship Guide can be downloaded HERE. We would encourage you to have copies for your family members to participate at 10:30 Sunday. It will be an abbreviated service, but it will still have the components of singing, confession, and the reading and teaching of God's Word. Also all Grace Church activities will be suspended this week until further notice. It's important to understand that our decision for this Sunday does not necessarily mean that this will be our application for future Sunday's. I think the decision for this Sunday should be seen as a "pause" to allow us to more effectively move forward as a church in all of our ministries and purposes. We'll keep you posted. Please know that we are praying for all you as you navigate these unusual and tumultuous circumstances that none of us have navigated before. Anxiety, fear, confusion and a longing for certainty seem to be sloshing around in our hearts and minds, at least it is for me. May I encourage you with 2 Corinthians 1:20 which says "For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory." The amazing certainty we still have right now is that our eternal hope is based on Jesus fulfilling all the OT prophecies of God of a savior on our behalf.

Confident in Christ,

Shane and the Officers of Grace Church

Alison Tiemeyer