Our Beliefs
What a church believes matters. Beliefs influence and inform everything: from the way worship is done to how the city is viewed.
Read more about Grace Church's beliefs below.
The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and inerrant in all that it affirms in matters of faith, history, and science. As God’s Word, it contains all we need for life and godliness and is authoritative over the Church.
There is only one God yet three persons in the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As Creator and Sustainer, God is the absolute Sovereign. Jesus Christ, the second person of the Godhead, is fully God and fully man, the Messiah of the Old Testament prophecies. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, regenerates, indwells, and sanctifies God’s people, leading and teaching them in the truth of God’s Word. All men and women are created in God’s image, thereby sanctifying all human life.
All of mankind are sinners, spiritually dead because of Adam’s sin, and are unable to respond to God without the grace bestowed by Jesus Christ through faith.
We are saved by God's grace through faith alone, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Although we contribute nothing to our salvation, the reality of our being born again is manifested by the fruit of good works. The Holy Spirit regenerates and fully indwells all believers and bears fruit in their lives as they are continually sanctified by God's grace.
The Lord Jesus Christ Himself instituted the local church as His representative body on earth, ordaining it as the believer's source of worship, fellowship, growth, and service.
The Church of Jesus Christ is to be humbly governed by Elders. "Presbyterian" comes from the Greek word presbuteros, which is translated in Scripture as "elder". The apostle Paul appointed Elders in each local church he planted (Acts 14:23). God calls Elders to the work of oversight (Acts 20:28), equipping them to shepherd God's people through instruction in His Word, encouragement, and discipline. Through the Elders' faithful pastoring, God nurtures and leads His local church into more mature worship, selfless work, and effective witness.
You may also access the Westminster Confession of Faith by clicking here. This valuable document, though subservient to the Bible in authority, represents the system of doctrine we and our denomination believe the Bible teaches.
Grace Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America.