Returning to In-person Worship
Grace Church,
We know that many of you have been waiting for our plan moving forward for in-person corporate worship. We have sought your input through the survey and wrestled through an appropriate path forward for our church. There are many differing views and tolerances of risk. We want to be as inclusive as possible to the varying views and appropriately weigh the desire to be together physically with the safety of all. Below you will find the progressive phases for our return to in-person corporate worship.
May 24th & 31st - We will continue with recorded services applying several points of feedback from the survey.
PHASE 1 - May 31st
We will "pilot" a small in-person backyard worship gathering
We will host two "pilot" backyard worship gatherings. These pilots will allow us to work out protocol challenges to returning to in-person gatherings.
Participants in this pilot version will be host families and service leaders of the backyard worship gatherings launching the following week.
You can learn more about these backyard worship gatherings below.
PHASE 2 - June 7th & 14th
We will transition to offering up to 10 different backyard worship gatherings with a maximum of 20 people each.
These gatherings will be outdoors and specific safety protocol will be communicated beforehand. This will not be a watch party for the pre-recorded service but rather an in-person worship gathering with singing, prayer, and sharing of God's Word.
All backyard worship gatherings will meet on Sunday at either 10 am or 7 pm. The times and locations will be communicated in advance.
People will be required to sign up for a gathering at a specific "backyard" if they would like to attend.
A recorded worship service will also be sent out. This service is primarily for people who choose not to participate in the backyard worship gathering.
We are excited that these backyard worship gatherings will empower God's people to gather and worship together in an intimate setting while reducing various risk factors.
PHASE 3 - June 21st
We will transition to a large in-person worship gathering outside on the Grace Church lawn.
More details to come on what these gatherings will be like along with the safety measures we will take.
We will re-evaluate regularly on when is appropriate to move this worship gatherings indoors.
At each phase we will be very clear in our communication of what you can expect at the gathering and what safety protocols will be in place.
At each phase we will still provide either a pre-recorded or live-stream service.
At any point we may need to move backwards given factors that we currently cannot predict such as a future spike in infections in Boyle County.
Further details will be provided on children and youth gatherings at a later date.
We will respect everyone's decision regarding your participation in our corporate gatherings. Some may choose to stay home or attend. No decision will be looked upon as more spiritual or faith-driven than others.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding in this difficult season,
Grace staff & officers