Offering 2 opportunities for worship this upcoming Sunday, 7/19/2020

After much discussion we have decided to begin offering two different worship opportunities beginning this Sunday, July 19th. 

OPPORTUNITY #1 - Outdoor Worship "Unplugged" @ 8 am

  • This will be an outdoor acoustic worship gathering starting at 8 am at Grace. We will move it to the side parking lot by the offices because of the wetness of the grass at that hour. This will be an offering for those who desire to gather in person for corporate worship but are not ready to move inside. If needed, we will email out regarding cancelation due to weather at 7 am on Sunday.

OPPORTUNITY #2 - In-Person Worship @ 10:30 am

  • We will move to begin indoor corporate worship at our traditional time slot this Sunday. We will follow social distancing guidelines and masks will be required for this service. We will also ask you to pre-register. Unfortunately at this time we not be offering any GRACE kids or nursery for our families. 


Stay tuned for a video on Friday explaining what to expect as we return to indoor corporate worship. In this video we will walk through the safety protocols. There will also be a sign up for this indoor worship.

Safety Precautions
Please do not attend if you feel sick or have had a fever in the last 24 hours

Please respect social distance between family units

  • Bring your own chairs or blankets

  • Family units should maintain social distance of at least 6 feet

  • Avoid handshakes and embrace other noncontact methods of greeting

Please practice healthy hygiene

  • Cough or sneeze in your arm and refrain from touching your face, mouth, or nose with your hands

  • Bring your own printed version of order of worship OR download it on your tablet/phone

  • You are encouraged to wear a mask while socializing but they are not required.

Directions upon Arrival

Parking - please pay attention to cones and do not park where they are placed. Please try to park with an open parking space on each side of your vehicle.

Entry and Exit of Worship Area

  • Please work your way to the left side of the left side of the church building. 

  • Greeters will be directing you to two lines for entry. 

  • Each family unit will be directed one at time to enter the marked worship area on the lawn.

  • Each family unit will be assigned to be seated in a painted circle within the worship area. This is will help ensure social distancing and should be especially helpful for families with small children to tell the children to remain in our circle through the duration of the service.

    • Please remember to bring your own seating.

    • Umbrellas might be helpful because there is very little shade. 

  • After the service each family will be dismissed one at a time by the ushers. 

Bathrooms and Building

  • The bathrooms on the west end of the church will be open. All other parts of the church building will be closed.  

  • One person at a time can occupy the bathroom. 

  • An usher will instruct. We ask that you line up outside the door and wait to directed in.  

  • Please wash you hands as you enter the rest room and leave. 

  • Water fountains will be turned off.    

Alison Tiemeyer