Message from Pastor Shane
CORPORATE WORSHIP ON 3/22/2020 Just like last week, our application of Biblical Sabbath worship for this week will be digital. A service will be executed by the pastors and worship team. A link will be emailed to the congregation at about 10:00am Sunday. You will then be able to watch the worship service immediately via Vimeo. GOD IS COMMITTED TO HIS PEOPLE With so much uncertainty of what the future holds, it is encouraging to remember that God and His work are not uncertain. God has a plan, and He is with us. He is our Shepherd and is always at work in us. He invites us to bring our fears, our concerns, and even our annoyances to him during this time. It is also good to ask ourselves what He could be doing in us in this season. The pastoral staff have put some thought into some of the unique opportunities for Grace Church during the pandemic. We have the opportunity to draw near to God in a unique way In many ways our idols are being exposed and dismantled (money, entertainment, achievement, productivity, health). We in many cases have more time to read & develop We are pushed to rest in God We have the opportunity to be set apart in our hope and practices as a church We have the opportunity to demonstrate thankfulness for God's provision We have the opportunity for families & marriages to be strengthened With the cancellation of so many activities we are forced to slow down We are forced to limit our productivity We are in a position to have more face to face time With fewer things vying for our attention we can grow in connectedness Men can cultivate greater spiritual leadership in the home We have the opportunity to cultivate greater intentionality in our relationships without formal scheduled gatherings We have the opportunity to learn to leverage technology for the good of one another We have the opportunity to connect with our neighbors to check in on them We have the opportunity to serve the needy in our community Be encouraged! God is at work in and through His people even in uncertain times. In the coming weeks we will be sharing different resources to help you process and leverage this new season.
OFFICE ACCESS THROUGH 3/27/2020: Our office is currently closed to anyone except staff and approved meetings. If you need to access the building please contact Sarah Roberts on the office line (859-236-9137) or Kevin Dilbeck (706-346-0794). Thinking about getting together for one of your Growth & Connection groups? Please follow our CARE protocol.